..My Creek Encounters..
..Meeting The Cast As A Group..
..Meeting Katie Holmes..
Meeting Michelle Williams
..Meeting Joshua Jackson..
..Meeting James Van Der Beek..
..Meeting Kerr Smith..
..Meeting Nina Repeta..
..Meeting Chad Michael Murray..
..My trip To Wilmy..
..Meeting The Cast As A Group..


This guy worked on Days of our lives wit Kerr..
This is just a picture of the ENORMOUS sign I made lol..

When James came out he ran to my sign got on his knee and signed it lol

Its kinda blurry but this is him coming straight to me lol...

This is michelleee Aww howww cute is sheee.. She said my sign kicked ass lol

This is Kerr He didnt come ova but b4 he got in the car i yelled Kerr and he turned around & smiled

Katie was very nice she didnt sign autographs but she was waving and smiling alott..

Josh really didnt sign autographs but i screamed Joshh and he blew me a kiss !!


This was the saddest and best day ever ! This time the cast was on TRL. It was sad because it was the last time the cast was probablyver gonna be on TRL together like this. But besides that it was awsome. I made a sign that was 4 oak tags taped together. From the window Michelle saw me and started blowing kisses to me because she rememberd me because i met her only 2 days before. And james and Josh and Katie were reading my sign and laughing. My sign said ...
Trip to Wilmington for my Sweet 16 - $5000
Cab fare to meet Michelle on 5-12-03- $60
Ticket to rain dance - $ 50
Waiting in the sun for 5 hrs to meet Josh - Sunburn
Dawsons Creek Memorbilia- $500+
Dawsons creek going off the air - Heartbreak
Getting a chance to meet the cast on TRL - PRICELESS
Please LET ME UP !

Then after that this guy came over to the crowd that was outside and said who is the biggest Dawsons Creek fan and everyone outside pointed to me and he goes come with me. So he bring me to the front of the baracade and said your gonna be on tv and get to ask the dawsons creek cast and question and tell them your favorite moment ever ! Well i said that my favorite moment was when Dawsons And Joey "Got Together". Then i couldnt think of a question i was so nervous so they told me to ask what the downside was of working in Wilmington. Which was a sucky question but at least i got to talk to them. Later on the cast came out. First Katie came out and I said Katie please sign this and she told her publistist i want to sign her book and she came over. Then James came out and i told him i told him i would be back lol James and Katie were laughing at me. Then Josh and Kerr came out. Kerr really didnt say much but we all asked Josh to sign our stuff he said there was to many people but he pointed to me and said "Hey your the girl who asked the question" Ahh how great is that lol.. Then Michelle came out and she was nice and signed everyones stuff. This was a great day

James Laughing at me...

This is Katie laughing at me as I tell James i told him i was going to come back too see him lol

This is James giving me back my marker.. <3

This is Josh talking to me.. He said Your the girl from Wilmington and you asked the question rite?

A better Picture Of Josh Talking to me..

Look how many people were snapping pictures of him lol

This is Katie and Her MoM..

Michelle Walking right too me.. Thats my book and red marker lolll

Michelle was soo nicee.. This is her signing my book..

Michelle Signing.

How cute are her sunglasses lOl..

I told Katie to Smile & she said ok & I think I blinded her with my flash lol..

Katie Signing my book

Me on TRL for being the biggest Creek Fan !!!!! =)
